"Mobile, Handheld Devices with Touchscreens: How Perceived Usability Affects Communication"
Rebecca BirchRebecca is a New Mexico Tech graduate who recently discovered the joys of tutoring and mentoring high school students in mathematics and language arts. While working with her students, Rebecca has learned much about the nuances of touchscreen technology and the role it plays in their communication. Other tactile activities include rock climbing, playing the viola, and enhancing her side work as a photographer. ContentsDiscussion on HTDs in Regard to Literature and Survey |
Appendix AThe following is the disclaimer and all ten questions comprising the Survey Monkey survey used. Analysis of the effects of handheld devices with touch-screen interfaces on communication The Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology has reviewed and approved this research project. By completing this survey, you agree to participate in this project. Your participation in this research project is strictly voluntary and you may choose not to participate by simply not completing the survey. You may also refuse to answer specific questions on this survey. If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please contact Rebecca Birch at hat@nmt.edu or the New Mexico Tech IRB Administrator at 575-835-5690.
*1. When it comes to using handheld touch-screen devices, you consider yourself: A Novice Fairly Competent Very Competent An Expert
*2. What is your age bracket? 18-25 26-40 41-65 65+
*3. If you used a handheld device with a touch-screen before, what device(s) did you use?
*4. Do you own any handheld device(s) with a touch-screen? Please select all that apply. I do not own such a device Sprint HTC Evo BlackBerry iPhone Samsung Reality iPod Touch Other (Please specify) Nintendo DSi
5. If you answered “I do not own such a device” to the last question, please explain why, and skip the rest of this survey. Thank you for your time.
6. If you use more than one handheld device with a touch-screen, which do you use most often?
7. Why do you use it/them more often?
8. Please rate how often you use a handheld device to do the following (Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Frequently): Text Message Picture Message E-mail Take Photos Browse Websites Make Telephone Calls
9. On a scale of 0-5 (0 being easiest), what level of difficulty do you experience in the following? Text Messaging Picture Messaging Sending E-mails Browsing Websites Making Phone Calls Taking Photos
10. Please explain why you find the above functions to be either easy or difficult, specifically on handheld devices with touch-screens.