"Pedagogy Shaped by Ideology: Beneath or Beyond Plato"
Works Cited
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Faigley, Lester. Fragments of Rationality: Postmodernity and the Subject of Composition. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1992. Print.
Flemming, David. “Rhetoric as a Course of Study.” College English. 61.2 (1998): 169-191. Web. 20 April 2009.
Grube, G.M.A. Plato’s Thought. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1980. Print.
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Poulakos, John. “Toward a Sophistic Definition of Rhetoric.” Contemporary Rhetorical Theory. Eds. John Louis Lucaites, Celeste Michelle Condit, Sally Caudill. New York: Guilford Press, 1999. 25-34. Print.
Poulakos, John. “Testing and Contesting Classical Rhetorics.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly. 36.2 (2006): 171-179.