"On the Front Lines: Graduate Student Roles in Shaping Discourse in Digital Spaces"
About the AuthorsMandy Olejnik is a a doctoral student in Composition and Rhetoric at Miami University of Ohio. She teaches professional writing courses in the English department and works as a graduate assistant director in the writing across the curriculum (WAC) program at the Howe Center for Writing Excellence (HCWE). Her research interests include graduate student pedagogy and support, learning transfer, and threshold concept theory. Her work has appeared in WPA: Writing Program Administration and she has forthcoming work in Transformative Works and Cultures. You can follow her on Twitter: @MandyRhae Cara Marta Messina is a Writing and Rhetoric PhD candidate at the Northeastern University English Department. Her research is at the intersection of fan studies, digital humanities, rhetorical genre studies, and critical digital pedagogy. Her dissertation, “The Critical Fan Toolkit” is a public, digital website that examines critical fanfiction writers’ genre practices and uptakes. She received the 2019 Kairos Teaching Award and has published in The Journal of Writing Analytics, Digital Humanities Quarterly, Composition Studies, and several edited collections. Contents |
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