February 2005 (Vol. 4, No. 2)

American Memory

Editorial Letter, 1 February 2005

Editor: Joy Burnett

Welcome to Xchanges 4.2. The editorial board is pleased to present four outstanding pieces that address the topic of "American Memory." In response to the theme as announced in the journal's call for papers, Amanda J. Bradley, Rose Lucas, Rachel Wall, and Katherine Weiss explored how national and cultural memory is created and shared, individually and collectively, through fiction, poetry, film, and drama. While the call for papers did not specifically mention war as an important component of collective cultural memory, it seems that current times and the state of world affairs have encouraged scholars to attempt examinations of that complex topic from many different critical perspectives.

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Contributors to this Issue:

Amanda J. Bradley, "A Vicious American Memory: Sylvia Plath's Feminist Criticism of Wars, Wars, Wars"

Rose Lucas, "Theatres of Extremity: War and Subjectivity in The Thin Red Line"

Rachel Wall, "Finding Our Right Heritage in Sarah Phillips and So Far Back"

Katherine Weiss, "Cultural Memory and War Trauma in Sam Shepard's A Lie of the Mind, States of Shock, and The Late Henry Moss"




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